Home ENTERTAINMENT Ran Ashfaq explained the reason for her divorce from ex-husband Imran Ashraf

Ran Ashfaq explained the reason for her divorce from ex-husband Imran Ashraf


In a podcast, Karan Ashfaq talked about the end of her marriage with actor Imran Ashraf and said that there were many problems in the marriage, it is important to support the husband which was not there in my marriage.

Karan Ashfaq said that my mother used to tell me only one thing to bear and my mother did not tell anything to Abu because she knew that the day Abu finds out he will not be able to bear it and that is what happened, my divorce. As soon as I found out, she was admitted to the hospital for 5-6 days, suffering from mental agony due to the divorce and I did not have the courage to talk to my brothers.The actress further said that in this country only girls get divorced, not boys. People tell me that there was a problem, so why didn’t I leave earlier, because my mother did not let me leave, she told me to bear it. in October.Regarding her second marriage, the model said that I didn’t want to go to Malaysia, my mother Abu came to Pakistan and they took me, I knew what would happen to me and that’s what happened.

It should be noted that model and actress Karan Ashfaq has married secondly to Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) focal person and political advisor Hamza Ali Chaudhry.


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