Home HEALTH An easy way to avoid the flu in winter

An easy way to avoid the flu in winter


During the winter season, many people usually have a runny nose, or cough throughout the day, but here are some important tips to avoid the winter flu.

According to a report published in the New York Post, seasonal flu can be protected by using the following natural methods.

Vitamin C

According to medical experts, a person suffering from the flu should take at least 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and is also commonly available in supplement form.

Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants which are very important for the protection of body cells and it protects the body cells from harmful substances called free radicals. However, medical experts have warned that more than 2,000 mg of vitamins should not be taken in a day because it affects the stomach and in some cases it can lead to kidney stones.

Vitamin D3

According to medical experts, we can get a large amount of vitamin D3 daily from the sun, this vitamin increases the body’s immunity and protects the body from viruses. However, it should not be taken in large quantities because if calcium accumulates in the blood, symptoms of nausea, vomiting, weakness and frequent urination may appear.

Zinc and honey

Zinc is very important for the human body which increases the immunity of the body and keeps it healthy. A zinc supplement can be taken during the first three days of the flu. While regarding honey, it has been proven in the research that the use of honey in cough is equally useful for adults and children.


Balsam is a natural herb that is rich in antioxidants, which boosts the body’s immunity and reduces infections. Balsam has been used as a natural remedy for winter flu for years. .

In the 1990s, research conducted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center revealed that chicken broth is an effective treatment for colds. Dr. Stephen Renard analyzed his wife’s grandmother’s chicken soup in the laboratory and discovered that the soup contained ingredients that had anti-inflammatory effects.

Salt water spray and warm water bath
Salt water spray (saline spray) is a completely safe method that is very useful for nasal congestion, while it does not have any of the side effects that are found in other sprays. Bathing with hot water steam has many benefits, which helps to open the pores of the body and reduce the flu in case of flu.

Healthy diet and restful sleep

To strengthen the immunity of the body, it is necessary to improve the nutritional system and use a balanced diet that provides the proteins and vitamins needed by the body, so the use of malt, kino and orange is proven to be better. Likewise, nutritious fruits and vegetables, including carrots, mulberries, spinach, etc., are rich in antioxidants, which are an excellent source of natural nutrition for the body.

According to medical experts, an adult should get at least 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep, which boosts immunity.


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