Home SPORTS India once again started making excuses not to play in Pakistan

India once again started making excuses not to play in Pakistan

Tabletop miniature flags for India and Pakistan at a meeting table for diplomatic discussions and negotiations.

India appealed to the International Tennis Federation against the decision to host the Davis Cup 2024 matches with Pakistan in February.

Last month, the International Tennis Federation dismissed the All Indian Tennis Association’s security concerns and directed the All Indian Tennis Association to send its team for the Davis Cup tie.The committee had said in a unanimous decision that there is no such situation in Pakistan due to which the Indian team could not participate in the Davis Cup tie, but India filed an appeal for reconsideration of this decision and made an excuse that Pakistan had 8 There are elections from February due to which there are security concerns and just four days before the elections, the Indian tennis team is scheduled to visit Pakistan.

The International Tennis Federation will decide on the Indian appeal in a hearing on December 21.

It should be remembered that the Indian team was supposed to come to Pakistan for the Davis Cup tie in 2019 as well, but due to a similar situation, that tie was shifted to Kazakhstan.


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